i would like to say sorry for the grammatical error n spelling error
uh haha that's a picture i took from face book. ignore the writings, if u wanna read, read lah.
now,just look at the hearts, look at the title, get it? hahha. i know stupid joke.
every day i open my fb prrofile scrolling down the home page.... well, everyday i see most of my friens have conflicts with their boyfriend or girlfriends(plural for girls hehe). yes i know, sape suruh main add kawan je smpai 600++! tapi seronok ape bnyk kawan xD xknal pun tape, janji add je. haha. gila pemikiran ku.
but if ur an adult in the mating period, hehe, i mean.... f0r 20++ ok lah nak bercinta, but for the teenagers, omgod to them love is evrythin. what hapen to the youth now days.
yeah i know i'm a teenager too, so i know what is like to be loved by someone that has no blood relation( family relation pun bolleyyy) with us. we want to see them everyday, come at us, give them sweet little smile..... but that's just at the begining d0e. haha
seriously, at the begining haha xD
then, many conflicts will occur, testing us we are faithfull or not to our partner. n it's kinda big for teenagers that most of them still thinking
'oh bercinta itu indah',
'nak hidup semati dgn die'
'kita nanti kawen bnyk anak'
-----ok stop shaqir ur startin to thing different hehe, sorry can't help it haha-------
then u get FAILED for the test of love to him/her, some will say
'okay, whatever'---- fo those who think they are hotties.
'awwwh man, really want her'---- for those who is in the LOVE STATE MAN! haha
'okay, no more life, wanna die'----- really stupid people that do not have religious conciousness.
but overall, yes, love is good. love make us to be accompanied n make us always cherish the moments ^^
however, every person in this world will be given a chance, to be love, n give love.
so dun worry, we all have jodoh. however, we must search the jodoh.
search the jodoh when u finished SPM....
cuz of course, u dun wanna make a mistake,, REALLY BIG MISTAKE,right?
cuz of ur partner..cuz of the name of LOVE.
like my ustaz say, try say this to ur partner, ' i love u because I LOVE ALLAH'.
how many people would say that, huh?