well, uh umm.. hey there, kinda sleepy here, well uh, t0m0rrow going back to saser~.
i'm feeling a bit afraid, a bit anxious. afraid cuz afraid to be scolded by the teachers.(well, i know, it occurs in every student's life, isn't it?)
anxious? why am i feeling anxious? anxious, NO NO , exegerated to study!
yeah, my passion is to keep study constantly, prefer the phrase that every scientist, no no every experts in the world, agreed that study smart is the best way.
cuz study smart:
1. no pressure.
2. not just FOCUSING O.O on academic
3. happy in life, know that u learned sumthin new. yeahh.
well, in saser, sum pe0ple study hard, MOST of them study smart, i think so. HAHA.
cuz, now days the scholarships are few, the students cemerlang gemilang terbilag are mounting. :P wow.
to compare the straight a students, all relly on ur curriculum activities, scharities, leaderships. yeah i know banyak nye.
but u can achieve all that from time to time.
every person has the chance to shine themselves.
ALLAH MAHA ADIL. he will not ever be heavyside(berat sebelah)(choosy) on who will success n not. all began at the same platform. NOTHING.
but to make nothing to SOMETHING, needs EFFORT.
just like how the ants work together to get the food.
no effort to work together,
no effort to get the food,
no effort to live,
no effort etc,
the answer is DIE. simple is it?
to me,
NOTHING= SIMPLE= BORINGNESS= n may ended up bec0me a l0ser, or poor. then dah tua baru nak sedar ' aiyoyo oh what have i done????'
stupid stupid -.-'
but all of that will never ever happen in saser, insyaallah. same as other SBP's, MRSM, other harian school.
cuz they teach us to learn n learn.
islam wanted us to learn.
i wanted to keep learning. there are many fields of knowledge. just choose one. then u'll meet wider fields of knowledge in the field. ok i know i started to be crazy, haha.
cuz actually i want to be LEGEND. aim high, well at least u wanna be SOMETHING rather than NOTHING, right? haha.